About the Cheltenham Flower Club
Affiliated to NAFAS – the National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies, Cheltenham Flower Club is one of the largest and oldest floral arts clubs in the Country.
We are always delighted to enrol new club members but are equally pleased to welcome visitors to our meetings.
Current membership is £55 per calendar year, (£30 if joining from July onwards). Visitor fees are £10 for most demonstrations, £15 for the open Christmas demonstration.
We have one of the most comprehensive programmes of demonstrations in the Country, currently offering ten full demonstrations a year. In addition, we offer competitions, workshops, outings, coffee mornings, tea parties and a guest speaker at our January AGM.
At our monthly demonstration meetings, we run a “Single Stem Flower” competition, members and visitors vote for their favourite exhibit by placing coins next to their chosen stem – a donation from this goes to our annual supported charity – currently FOCUS Cancer Care.
In addition to our own second-hand bookstall, raffle, and lucky flower lottery, we invite a handful of stall holders whose goods we believe will appeal to our members to sell their wares before and after the demonstration.
Flower arranging skills are not necessary, our members range from interested spectators to Area demonstrators and National Competition Winners, we delight in sharing our love of flowers and flower arranging through the wonderful floral demonstrations that we present.
For further information please contact us.
See also:
The National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies (NAFAS) web site – https://www.nafas.org.uk/
The Three Counties and South Wales area web site – https://tcandsw.org.uk/
Our Facebook page – https://www.facebook.com/thecheltenhamflowerclub